Hello lovelies!
I debated about posting tonight. You know why? I don't seem to have any yummy pictures to post!
It seems like all of the blogs I've been visiting are full of visual candy and I haven't really done anything creative for about two weeks now so I've got nada for you.
So I did a Google (or as Ginette would say Goggle) search for pumpkin and came up with this...
I couldn't resist. The truth is I am addicted to all things pumpkin right now. What's up with that? I mean, don't get my wrong, I've always appreciated a good pumpkin but this is seriously out of control!!!
I think my fave still has to be the Pumpkin Spice Latte though - talk about goodness in a cup. I've settled on a homemade decaf Starbucks with a little fat free vanilla cream.
In other fun news krazy katie found this:
It looks quite interesting and the timing couldn't be more perfect. That week my hunka hunka burnin' love will beYIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I have been wanting to have fun with the strikeout for the longest time and was
I heart
Stayed tuned for a post tomorrow (or maybe Friday)...
We are celebrating six years of togetherness on Friday with a hot night on the town to the place where we had our first date...can't wait!
'night lovelies
I also love the strikethrough! I was so excited the day I actually figured out how to do it - I'm not exactly very 'techie'...
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I've been stalking your blog too, since meeting Stephanie!
I'm not going to the Vicki retreat - I just moved here recently and I think it had been sold out since last year (too bad - would like to meet her).
Love your blog
your a NUT
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